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On White

Art Projects Gallery is delighted to present “On White”, Spanish artist Cinta Vidal Agulló’s first solo exhibition in Asia. “On White” showcases her latest collection of works that expands on her trademark multi-perspectival compositions.

In this new series, Cinta Vidal paints with oil on wood panels featuring her multi-dimensional “un-gravity” constructions that explore the relationship between external realities and our internal natures. She views her work metaphorically as a “maze of life” within which we all inhabit and navigate with the notion of the impossibility of completely understanding everything around us.

Cinta Vidal has been drawing since she was a child. She studied at Escola Massana in Barcelona and at 16 years old, started working as an apprentice in Taller de Escenografia Castles Planas in St. Agnès de Malanyanes, one of the most prestigious scenography ateliers in Europe where she learnt from Josep and Jordi Castells. At the atelier, she works on a massive scale, creating gigantic backdrops for operas, standing and painting on the floor with a large, broomstick-sized brush, a dramatic contrast to her meticulously fine, small-stroke painting creations.

Cinta VIdal’s solo exhibition at Art Projects Gallery will run from from 24 March to 28 April 2018. There will be an opening reception with the artist present on 24 March 4-6pm.

藝途畫廊榮幸呈現西班牙著名藝術家, Cinta Vidal, 亞洲首度個展《在白色上》。是次展覽展出她近期的一系列作品,作品延伸了其以多視角、多維度的構圖為特色的創作手法。

在這次新的作品系列,Cinta Vidal 利用油彩在木製版面上作畫,多維度、非重力的結構,引導人們對重心的思考,探索外在現實與我們內在本質之間的關係。獨特的創作手法,使作品既寫實,卻也超現實,可以以不同的角度來觀賞。Cinta將自已的作品比喻為一個“生活的迷宮”,在這個我們居住和導航的迷宮裡,始終無法完全理解我們周圍的一切。

Cinta Vidal 自小就開始畫畫。她在巴塞羅那的Escola Massana學習,從16歲時開始便在St.Agnèsde Malanyanes的Taller de Escenografia Castles Planas當學徒,受教於Josep和Jordi Castells,這是歐洲最負盛名的舞台工作室之一。在工作室,她為歌劇創作出巨大的背景,作品規模龐大,必須在地板上用一把類似大掃帚一般大小的刷子在地板上繪畫,與她個展所呈現細緻精細的小筆劃創作形成鮮明對比。

Cinta Vidal 的是次個展將於2018年3月24日至4月28日,在藝途畫廊展出。藝術家出席酒會將於2018年3月24日的下午4點至6點舉行,Cinta 的亞洲支持者可別錯過了哦!

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