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Matthew So | Diamond Rain

Art Projects Gallery is proud to present Hong Kong artist Matthew So’s Solo Exhibition “Diamond Rain”.

Artist’s Statement
Diamonds, acid rain, glitter, hail, what just dropped from the sky? Dust finds a place to lay to rest in accumulated water, after a night, it may follow the whereabouts of wind, or be sealed still. In an empty park, observing stardust which makes its entrance at 6:30, right on time, as if it was promised. The light from faraway gazes into my eyes, is it casting judgment or protection? The mud is sparking. Sprinkle some gold powder on a wound, I do not see why not.

About Matthew So
Matthew So (b. 2000, Hong Kong) graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Fine Arts in 2022. He focuses on showing various relationships and ambiguous states . Knowing that a person’s emotional and mental states may not necessarily be expressed in words.  Matthew creates light and stars using colours, shapes and glitter. He interacts with his paintings as complex, living entities. So understands visual language as an expression of the unspeakable and indescribable, affirming the power of his paintings in communicating internal feelings and psychological circumstances beyond spoken word. So’s practice transmutes the traumatic, transforming buried emotions into fields of luminous saturation. Provoking conversations between artworks and the view’s soul.

He interacts with his paintings as if they are complex, living entities. He produces intuitively, projecting rich mental landscapes onto his canvases. Colour and form simultaneously wrestle and coalesce in his oeuvre, attaching to different feelings and symbols in each work. With his insight on colors and shapes, he treated them as people, focusing on their interactions and chemistry. Using heightened abstraction, he illustrates diverse psychological conditions, reflecting various formal, mental, and even real-life relationships and states of ambiguity. So understands visual language as an expression of the unspeakable and indescribable, affirming the power of his paintings in communicating internal feelings and psychological circumstances beyond the spoken word. So’s practice transmutes the traumatic, transforming buried emotions into fields of luminous saturation. It also provokes conversations between artworks and the viewer's soul.

“Diamond Rain” exhibition runs from 18 Feb 2023 to 11 Mar 2023 at Art Projects Gallery.

藝途畫廊榮幸呈獻藝術家蘇俊謙個人展《Diamond Rain》。


蘇俊謙2000年出生於香港,於2022年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。他專注於展示各種關係和模棱兩可的狀態。他認為一個人的情緒和精神狀態不一定能用語言表達。Matthew 用他的色彩語言、形狀和閃粉製造光和星辰,來呈現多樣而複雜的情緒、能量、狀態和關係。由人與人,以至神明,Matthew 探討各種不能言說的感覺及關係。希望用色彩及形狀與觀眾的靈魂直接對話。

他說「我認為每種顏色都有性格。」憑藉對顏色和形狀的洞察力,他將它們視為人。關注它們的相互作用和化學作用。在他的抽象繪畫和雕塑中使用顏色作為一種通用語言。相信人類的本能和感覺會被顏色和形式欺騙。 “就像在超市選橙子一樣,你會知道哪個橙子最好吃。”顏色的解釋基於社會、文化和歷史因素。他發明了自己的語言來表達無法形容和難以形容的事物。提升每個人身上的動物性和靈性。激發藝術品與觀者靈魂之間的對話。

展覽《Diamond Rain》將於2023年2月18日至2023年3月11日在藝途畫廊展出,歡迎公眾前來觀賞